Addiction Test

"*" indicates required fields

  1. Substance / Behavior
  2. Test Questions
  3. Demographic Information

The Addiction Test is for people who are concerned about their use of alcohol, drugs, or other behaviors.

First, we need to know which substance or behavior you're concerned about. This will help us ask you the right questions.

If you’re concerned about multiple substances or behaviors, you can think of them all as part of the same pattern of addiction, or you can take the test once for each substance or behavior.

What substance or behavior are you most concerned about?*
Which of the following are you concerned about?*
Select all that apply.



This screening tool combines 3 questionnaires designed to assess different types of addiction.

Substance Use Symptom Checklist (SUSC):

Matson, Hallgren, Lapham, et al. (2023). Psychometric Performance of a Substance Use Symptom Checklist to Help Clinicians Assess Substance Use Disorder in Primary Care. JAMA Network Open 6(5). Retrieved from

Alcohol Symptom Checklist (ASC):

Hallgren, Matson, Oliver, et al. (2022). Practical Assessment of Alcohol Use Disorder in Routine Primary Care: Performance of an Alcohol Symptom Checklist. Journal of General Internal Medicine 37(8), pp. 1885-1893. Retrieved from

Behavioral Addiction Symptom Checklist (BASC):

The BASC is an experimental questionnaire for assessing addictive and compulsive behaviors, based on the SUSC and ASC.

Please note: The ASC and SUSC are based on the DSM-V criteria for alcohol and other substance use disorders. By using this screener, you acknowledge that the screener is not a diagnostic instrument. You are encouraged to share your results with a physician, healthcare provider, or addiction specialist.